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Wednesday 3 May 2017

Symfony PHP Web Framework.

 Symfony is a lightweight Framework (Released in 2005). Symphony Framework is mainly used in projects such as Drupal CMS(Content Management System) or PhpBB forum Software. Symfony has a wide developer community and Laravel also relies on it.

Symfony components are Usable PHP Libraries, that can be used with a different task like object configuration, routing, form creation templating etc.

Based on the 2017 survey, Symfony used 13.6% (990) in the Projects by developers.

Symfony is for highly professional developer to build websites with PHP components such as Drupal, PHPBB, laravel, eX. The Symfony framework has been an Open-Source project and it has become most popular PHP Framework.

Symfony is used for the fast development of Web Application and in replacing repetitive coding task. Symfony was heavily inspired by other web application frameworks.

Symfony is an application development framework which is used for making Website, Web Application etc.  It has a very qualitative functionality which is why it is used for making the best website in a faster way.

If you have the experience or know the basics of PHP therefore, you can develop any website or Web Application in Symfony framework. Symfony Framework save lots of time for developing the Website or Web App instead of Scratch PHP. If you are using it then, framework provides you security also from various attacks.

Symfony is work based on MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture.

Description of Model, View, and Controller.

Model: It represents data structure of the database. In Model, you can insert, Delete, Retrieve and Update the table in database thereby, data passes to View through the Controller.

View: It's the information that user can see on the Screen. A view is normally a web page but in Framework, the View can be full page or part of the page. It can be any type of page.In View, you can write your front end code as well as scripting code which can easily be seen by user on the screen.

Controller: The Controller is intermediate between Model and View. Which transfer's the function between Model and View, it interacts with both Model and View, Normally, Controller plays the main Role in Passing the data into Systems.

That's it from my side..

If you have any questions, then write in the comment down below OR send me your questions and suggestions to my Email id:

Stay tuned for more coding!!

Thank You...

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