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Monday, 5 June 2017

Universal App Campaign in Google AdWords.

Got an app or apps and want to promote them to your target audience, Universal App Campaigns is the best solution which makes promotion of your Android or iOS apps across Google Search, Play, YouTube, and within other apps and mobile websites on the Display Network.

In Universal App Campaign, you don't need to design individual ads. Instead, Google uses your ad text ideas and assets from your app store listing in order to design variety if ads across several formats and networks. Along with that Google tells you to only provide some text, a start bid and budget, language and locations for your ads.

These ads appear across Google's properties. This includes Google Search and Google Play, as well as our search partners, YouTube, the Google Display Network, AdMob, and many more publishers who host app ads.

Universal App Campaigns offers two different optimization options:

1. Focus on getting more installs: For getting new users for your App. Google AdWords will optimize the bid and targeting to get the greatest number of new users for your app.

2. Focus on driving selected in-app actions: For getting new users who are likely to complete the in-app actions that you have selected as a conversion. Google AdWords will focus on poeple who are most likely to complete the process.

Creating Universal App Campaign

1. Sign in to your AdWords Account.
2. Click Campaigns in the page menu to reach campaign page, and click the + button.
3. In the Campaign type, select and click on Universal App Campaign.

4. In the Select Campaign Setting Page, give your campaign a name. Then, select the app from the drop down or Click Add a new app  to enter one.

5. In the "Ads" section, you need to enter 4 lines of text that can be rotated in your ads in any order.

6. Set up the bid and the budget per day.

7. You can advertise on YouTube by adding up to 5 videos, in case you leave it blank, Google AdWords might make a video for you. But this option is Optional.

8. Upload Image for your ads. You can add up to 10 image files with a maximum size of 150KB as.jpg, .gif, or .png. But this option is also Optional.

9. Update the location and language settings. As, Google AdWords doesn't translate your ads, therefore target only those languages that match your ads.

10. In Campaign Optimization select to optimize your campaign for: Get new users for your app or Get new users who are likely to complete in-app actions.

11. Click Save and Continue. If having conversion tracking set up, Google AdWords can count installs as conversions for Android Apps in the Google Play store automatically.

That's all from my end...

If you have any queries, feel free to write in comments down below..

Stay tuned for more digital advertising!!

Thank You...

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Remarketing Campaign In Google AdWords.

Remarketing Campaign through Google AdWords are used to show ads to customer who visited your site or used your mobile app. These campaigns allow businesses to stay connected with their target audience after they leave their website by showing ads to them on other websites across the web, watching YouTube videos, or reading news sites and across their different devices.
Remarketing can increase your conversion rates and ROI (Return On Investment), this is so as the past visitors are already familiar with your brand and have more chances to convert into a customer, or perform whatever activity you're considering a conversion.

Google recommends when you are setting up your first remarketing campaign, you should target everyone who viewed your pages. But this will increase your Google remarketing costs since your ads are being shown to everyone. By targeting narrowly, it leads to increase in ad relevancy and lower Cost per Click (CPC).
For example: say you own an e-commerce business that sells Mobile Accessories. You might create a "Case Cover" remarketing audience based on people who visit the pages of your site selling case covers. Thereby, showing these visitors ads that show case covers as you already know these visitors are interested in case covers and therefore gathering their tension back, perhaps with a special offer like "free delivery".

Very important to note Remarketing will only starts when the remarketing list contains at least 100 users come to your website.

Setting Up a Remarketing List in Google AdWords.

1. Firstly, you need to create an audience to remarket. The audience specified are essentially those users who qualify based on the conditions set by the advertiser.

2. Secondly, creating remarketing campaign within your Google AdWords account.

3. Thirdly, Advertisers need to add a series of text or image ads into the created campaign,

Creating Remarketing List in Google AdWords

1. Sign in to your AdWords Account.
2. Click on the "Shared Library" on the left side of the tab. Further, clicking into the "Audiences" section.

3. If this is your first remarketing campaign, you will need to add a remarketing tag to your website, This code allows for visitors to be tagged with a cookie required for the remarketing ads to be shown to them once they are off from your website. Having this tag active and installed on your website is required in order to pull your remarketing list.

4. Google AdWords automatically creates an "All Visitors" audience list to help you get started. Specify the membership duration for the list, the default set if 30 days.

5. Finally, when your list is created and the remarketing tag is implemented on your site, an audience list is ready.

Setting Up a Remarketing Campaign in Google AdWords.

Once the Remarketing list is ready, the next step is in creating the remarketing campaign in Google AdWords.

1. Click Campaigns in the page menu to reach campaign page, and click the + button.
2. In the Campaign type, select and click on Display Network Only.

3. Enter all the details through the process to complete campaign setup. Specify the Campaign Name, Type, Location and all the other specification as discussed in the earlier campaign. The only change will be selecting the  "Type". Go to  Drive Action tab and select the very first option "Buy on your website (Includes Remarketing)".

4. Creating and Ad Group: Name your ad group, set an default bid,  and then select "Interests & Remarketing" as the targeting option. Once selected, a drop down will appear. Select "Remarketing lists" as the targeting category.

5. Click to the right of the "All Visitors" list in order to select it. After doing this process has assigned the Remarketing list to the Remarketing Campaign.

Because adding them into your campaign is as easy as dragging and dropping after they have been resized properly.

7.  Once, you are done with uploading the ads, click "Save Ads" to complete the campaign setup process.

And there goes, you are done with completing the Remarketing Campaign. Keep in mind that when adding image ads, Google usually takes 24 hours to complete the review process, unless the process is complete your ads won't show up.

Benefits of Remarketing:

1. Access to people when they are most likely to buy.
2. List tailored to the advertising goals.
3. Reach large scale people.
4. Easy Ad Creation.
5. Reaching customers when they are searching for you.

How to Optimize Remarketing Campaigns?

1. Ad Testing: Experiment with different offers, calls to action, images etc. Keep in mind the users are already familiar with your brand, so you may need to go a bit farther to get them back to your site. Strong branding might work well for your ads.

2. Custom Combination Testing: Keep testing and find what works best. Experiment with different combinations such as messaging visitors that visited between 7 to 30 days ago may not work for users who visited between 30 to 60 days ago.

3. Frequency Cap Testing: Monitor the audience size in terms of impressions your remarketing ad groups get, as you don't want to annoy your last visitors but also want to maximize the number of interested visitors to the site.

4. Bid Testing: Monitor your bids both for cost effectiveness and return on investment along with impression share. Because more the impression share, is not could for users (continuously disturbing them) as in Remarketing you're following the users and not the sites.

5. Landing Page Testing: Experimenting in making the users land on the same page but somewhat new.

The best step is to start with ads that match your website and the brand.Keep in mind that Remarketing tag shouldn't be associated with any personally identifiable or sensitive information. If you're setting up a remarketing campaign and placing the remarketing tag on your website app, need to follow the Policy for advertising based on location and interest.

That's all from my end...

If you have any queries, feel free to write in comments down below..

Stay tuned for more digital advertising!!

Thank You...

Friday, 2 June 2017

YouTube Video Campaign in Google AdWords.

Video Campaigns let you show the video ads all alone or within other streaming video content on YouTube and across the Google Display Network.

There are three types of video ad formats:

1. True-View in stream ads: These video ads run before, during, or after other videos on YouTube or across Display Network Sites, games or apps. After 5 seconds the viewer has an option to skip the ad. True-View in-stream ads may also run on YouTube Videos that are their on other sites.
True-View ads are standard video ad type on YouTube.

2. True-View video discovery ads: These video show up on the YouTube homepage, search results pages, and as related videos on YouTube video watch pages. These ads appear after performing a YouTube search. When a viewer clicks the thumbnail for your ad, the video will play on its YouTube watch or channel pages.

3. Bumper Ads: These video ads are short ad format, designed in such a way to reach customers broadly and increase awareness about your brand by using a short, specific, effective, efficient and memorable message. They are just 6 seconds or less and viewers can't skip the ad.

Setting Up a YouTube Video Campaign

  1. Sign In to your AdWords Account.
  2. Click Campaigns in the page menu to reach campaign page, and click the + button. 
  3. In the Campaign type, select and click on Video.

    4. In the Select Campaign Setting Page, give your campaign a name. Make sure "Video" has been selected in the Type drop down menu.

  5. Select "In-stream or Video discovery ads" to ensure your video ad will be in True View Format.
  6. Set up your budget per day. You can also select a delivery method, either the standard delivery, which shows ads evenly during the day, or accelerated delivery- which drives views as quickly as possible, thereby exhausting the budget.Accelerated Delivery is useful when time is constraint for example sale is in trend etc.

  7.  Decide where you want the ad to appear.
  • YouTube Search:  Video Ads will appear in searches and will appear on YouTube homepage, channel pages and video pages.
  • YouTube Videos: They appear in display ads or in-stream ads.It can appear before or around videos shown across the Google Display Network.

Creation of separate campaigns for YouTube Search and YouTube Video as this will help you to better track performance metrics.

  8. Specify your target location, to users whom you want your ad to be shown.

  9. Google AdWords gives you an option to specify the operating system, device and carrier for more advanced targeting. This is especially useful for mobile apps ads, and it gives you an option to increase and decrease the bid.

  10. In the advance settings section, Start date and end date can be specified for the campaign,you can also create custom schedule for when you want your video ad to be shown in the entire day. This helps to get better return for your ad spend.

Creating and Ad Group

  1. Name your ad group and insert the YouTube Link for the video you would like to run the ad for. Thereby, further choosing you want this ad to run as an in-stream ad or an in-display ad.

    2. In-display ads, you'll need to include a title and short description.
Whereas, in-stream ads provide you with the option to overlap a display URL on top of the video. In the Ad URL options, you can specify redirects if any.In addition, to that a companion banner made from images from your video will appear on the side of the video ad.

   3.  Specify the maximum CPV (Cost per View) you want to pay for each view that happens.

  4. You can further specify your target audience you would like the video to be shown- options include demographic (gender, age), interest (Home Decor Enthusiasts, Heath & Fitness Buffs etc)

    5. You can further narrow down your targeting by keywords, topics, placements where you would like your video ad to appear. Along with that we can use AdWords Video ads to re-market to people who have been in contact with your brand already. This helps you to re-engage those who are already familiar with your brand.

  6. The Next and main step is to link your AdWords account to the YouTube channel where the video is hosted if you haven't already. And then finally click "Finish" .

That's all from my end...

If you have any queries, feel free to write in comments down below..

Stay tuned for more digital advertising!!

Thank You...