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Monday 9 October 2017

How is Search Terms Report beneficial in Google AdWords?

Search terms report is most important sources of data in your campaigns. Search terms report helps you in showing what exactly people who saw your ads and clicked on it were searching for. Its list of search terms that people have used before seeing your ad and clicking it.

It helps you to optimize your search campaigns in Google AdWords and save money by adding new keywords and negative keywords, as by knowing which search queries triggered your ads and how they performed. Therefore, use it to refine keywords so that only the right searches show your ad.As, this report shows every search query that resulted in your ad being shown or clicked.

For, AdWords Search Term Report follow the steps:

1.  Click the Keywords Tab.
2.  Then in the keywords tab you will see the search term tab.
3. You can also download the the data and also modify which columns show by clicking the columns drop - down menu, and the selecting modify columns. It allows you to add, remove, or reorder the columns in your report.

Note: Search terms that were used by people at least 8 hours ago will be shown or have received clicks in the past 30 days or were searched for by a significant number of people. Those search terms that did not met this criteria will be put up in the "other search terms" row.



Rojer is looking to buy a Electronic covers online. He types " mobile covers" into the search box on Google. "Mobile covers" is the search term. Let's say you're the owner of an online electronic business. Because you have included the word "laptop" as a keyword in your AdWords campaigns, your ad may be eligible to show on Rojer's search results page. 

The Search Terms report full of opportunities:

A) New Keywords:

See the report for queries that performed well and aren't yet in your campaigns as exact match. Search terms report is full of new keyword opportunities.

To find the keyword opportunities in your report:

1. Sort the terms by highest clicks to see which queries are performing best.
2. Start from top, review the search queries row wise by looking at their CTR and conversion rates.
3. Note which keywords are performing well and add them as exact match keywords. 

B) Negative Keywords:

The report also shows irrelevant queries that you want to avoid advertising. Finding negative keywords help in boosting CTR & Quality Score. As, when you add them as negative keywords  it helps you in saving money directly and improve your cost per conversion. For example, if you sell round neck t-shirts, and you see that the search term "v neck t-shirts" is triggering your ads, you might want to add "v neck" as a negative keyword.

C) Select the correct match type (e.g. broad, phrase, exact, or negative) for existing keywords. The "match type" column can help you understand how keyword match type is affecting your ad performance.

How the match type is determined

When the search term match type is close variation, this includes misspellings, singular and plural forms, acronyms, stem words ( such as floor and flooring), abbreviations etc.

That's all from my end...

If you have any queries, feel free to write in comments down below..

Stay tuned for more digital advertising!!

Thank You...

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